Xyth: Nah, compare melee dynamics maybe? Diablo 3 offers way more dynamic game then Devilian (for melee)
Diablo 3:
-More farm options, every item drops anywhere.
-Random dungeons.
-Not p2w.
-Better community
-Better forum
-Better graphics
-Better end game.
And D3 has a story mode.
Don't get me wrong Devilian is a good game with a great potential.
In melee Devilian still got more options >> dynamics

Not all what you pointed is important for comparison (like forum... its not really influence at game), but still I would like to comment your points.
-More farm options, every item drops anywhere.
Devilian would get more options at february patch (54 lvl content with raids & etc)
-Random dungeons.
Yeah, it good thing. Hope to see it in Devilian too (not so hard to implement)
-Not p2w.
Can't agree. To play Diablo 3 you have to pay 50$ for a game. Devilian is totally free. Everything is possible to obtain for f2p player without any donate. Also Diablo 3 already got items shop added. Soon there would be a lot of stuff (exp boosters announced).
-Better community
Can't agree with it too. Community is the same, but D3 has more blizz' fanboys. Also in Diablo there is no guild system (guilds is just a nonsense, you could be member of 100 guilds-communities at the same time). No guild purpose and content. So actual, real game comminities in Devilian is far better; in Diablo without trading system and with 4ppl per game no need to talk with anyone at all. When you play Devilian @ 20vs20 its another feeling.
-Better forum
Nope. B-net forum is a joke - no possibilities at all (like signatures for example). Also Devilian has devs at forum and they are active.
-Better graphics
Its hard to compare, style is different. Devilian has more realistical style. Also please note that in this video I recorded Devilian with lowest video setting (cause I play PvP and streaming - so I need fast performance) and Diablo had max settings.
Also Devilian got some awesome isometric panorama's (bridges & etc)
-Better end game.
In Diablo there are no PvP! No guilds, no competiton.. no fun

So for me Devilian still better, even without new PvE content (again - which would be released in Feburary)... Diablo 3 is quite mature game and Devilian is just released. We would be able to compare end-game PvE content of this games later, right now its fair to compare only actual core gameplay systems - like combat

Thats why I've made this video.
Also Devilian has better PvE boss fights in general. In Devilian its hard to kill a boss, its close to WoW - you need tactics. In Diablo its just tank&spank (I play HC only, I know what I'm talking).